Debian has a bug tracking system (BTS) in which we file details of bugs reported by users and developers. Each bug is given a number, and is kept on file until it is marked as having been dealt with.
A separate page has instructions and tips on how to report a bug if you encounter problems in the Debian distribution.
- Advanced information on how to use the system
- Information on manipulating bugs by email
- Mailservers' reference card
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- Requesting bug reports by email
Find a bug by number:
Windows(SSR):6.桌面纸飞机图标右键调出菜单,点击更新SSR服务器订阅(不通过伕理); 7.服务器->找到对应本站的节点组->选择一个节点单击; 8.找到系统托盘菜单中纸飞机图标右键调出菜单,将伕理模式设置为PAC(推荐)/全局; 9.不出意外,可众实现科学上网了。 免费节点
- http://ljam4x.wcbzw.com/number
- http://ljam4x.wcbzw.com/mbox:number
- http://ljam4x.wcbzw.com/package
- http://ljam4x.wcbzw.com/src:sourcepackage
- http://ljam4x.wcbzw.com/maintainer@email.address
- http://ljam4x.wcbzw.com/from:submitter@email.address
- http://ljam4x.wcbzw.com/severity:severity
- http://ljam4x.wcbzw.com/tag:tag
Searching bug reports
The Ultimate Debian Database (UDD) provides a multi-criteria search engine for bugs.
Another way to search bug reports is to use Google Groups. The period to be searched can be limited by using the 酸酸乳ssr网站 option.
Alternative sites that allow searching for bug reports include The Mail Archive.
The current list of Release Critical Bugs.
The current list of pseudo-packages recognized by the Debian bug tracking system.
The following bug report indices are available:
- Packages with active and archived bug reports.
- Source packages with active and archived bug reports.
- Maintainers of packages with ssr小飞机二维码节点 and 免费ssr节点2022 bug reports.
- Submitters of active and archived bug reports.
Note: some of the previously available indices of bug reports aren't available due to internal problems with the program that generated them. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Spam Reports
The Bug Tracking system often receives spam. To report spam in the bug tracking system, find the bug report by number, and click "this bug log contains spam" near the bottom.
Debian BTS administrators <owner@ljam4x.wcbzw.com>
Debian bug tracking system
Copyright © 1999 Darren O. Benham, 1997, 2003 nCipher Corporation Ltd,
1994-1997 Ian Jackson.